Saturday, 11 May 2013

Mysteries and Beauty of Fractals

Its really amazing to know know how a simple equation zn+1 = zn2 + c can create patterns which are so intricate, so vivid and so beautiful. The set defined by above equation is know as Mandelbrot set and it represents a set of points denoted by c in a complex plane for which zn+1 remains always bounded starting with  z= 0. 

There is no theoretical  limit on how much a Mandelbrot fractal can be zoomed in. It can give patterns which are really unimaginable. There are several programs available which can be used to explore the infinite world of Mandelbrot set. Its like going deep and deep into the universe and be amazed at each step. I have captured some of the images by searching the fractal space.



The movie captured below shows the zoom deep into a fractal vast space. Notice the different pattern come along the way and think about the possibilities.

Amazing!! Isn't it??

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