Thursday 16 May 2013

Imagining the Tenth Dimension

I still remember the day when my Maths teacher tried to explain about dimensions when I was in high school. Visualizing the first, second and third dimension was easy, but then I asked him, Can there be a fourth dimension? His answer was yes, It was difficult for me to understand then. He tried to explain the concept using example of a Tesseract(Shown Below), still it was very abstract for me to assimilate the concept. In fact he told that there can be a fifth and higher dimension. And infinite dimension is nothing but God himself.

As per wiki(), "In physics and mathematics, the dimension of a space or object is informally defined as the minimum number of coordinates needed to specify any point within it".  I tried to understand the concept of higher dimensions till now and always keep on looking for material on the web. Recently I stumbled upon this very interesting youtube video concieved and developed by Rob Bryanton. Excrepts of the video are taken from his book "Imagining the Tenth Dimension". 
I think this vido is brilliant and the simplcity with wihch it explains the concepts is amazing. More details regarding his work can be found at Rob Bryanton Blog. Hope you will enjoy it too.

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